Khmil S. V., Drozdovska Yu. B.


About the author:

Khmil S. V., Drozdovska Yu. B.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Purpose. Studying of the effectiveness of hysterorezectoscopy in women with infertility and uterine fibroids in the cycles of in vitro fertilization. Object and methods. A randomized clinical trial was conduct among 64 women undergoing infertility treatment using assisted reproductive technologies (ART). The selection was divided into 2 groups. The group 1 (study) consisted of 46 women with uterus fibroids with submucosal and submucosallyintramural placement of myomatous nodes and failed attempts of IVF in history, these women were offered hysterorezectoscopy, as preparation for programs of assisted reproductive technologies. The froup 2 (control) – 18 women with uterine fibroids with submucosally-intramural placement of myomatous nodes, who refused hysterorezectoscopy. In this study, couples were included exclusively with female infertility. Results. The effectiveness of hysterorezectoscopy on the outcome of IVF cycles in women with uterine fibroids was proved. In the study group, 20 women had an onset of pregnancy, which was 43.5 % (after I attempted IVF), early spontaneous miscarriages were observed in 3 women (15 %), in 15 women pregnancy ended in timely partum (75 %) and 2 woman had premature partum (10 %). In the control group pregnancy occurred in 7 women (38.9 %), 3 cases of early spontaneous miscarriages (52,8 %), timely births in 4 women (57,2 %). Conclusions. The uterine fibroids is basically a cause of infertility due to a mechanical factor. Hysterorezectoscopy is the best method of pregravid preparation in women with uterine fibroids, undergoing infertility treatment during the use of assisted reproductive technologies. Hysterorezectoscopy is an organ saving operation that has several advantages: a mild postoperative period, a lack of adhesive process, which in turn increases the incidence and onset of pregnancy.


uterus fibroid, hysterorezectoscopy, agonists of gonadotrophin-releasing hormones, infertility, assisted reproductive technologies, in vitro fertilization, intracytoplasmatic sperm injection.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (158), 2020 year, 209-214 pages, index UDK 618.177-02:618.14-006.327-072.1-089.819:616-089.888.11