Kononov B. S.


About the author:

Kononov B. S.



Type of article:

Scentific article


In this paper, a study of the structure of the cerebellum of rats is normal for comparison with the cerebellum of a person and further use in research. It is no secret that the use of food additives in the field of nutrition is very common, but there is still a clear indication of a negative effect on the nervous system, mainly on the cerebellum, and in general on the body is not sufficiently enlightened. A biopsy specimen of the cerebellum of white rats was used for this study. The obtained sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, and methylene blue and toluidine blue. We used histological, morphometric and statistical methods. As a result of the study, it was found that the cerebellum consists of a cortex, white matter and a worm. The surface of the cerebellum is covered with gray matter, which forms the cerebellar cortex and narrow convolutions, which are separated from each other by grooves. A white matter in the form of a tree branch is located in the center of the gyrus. It was also found that the gray matter of the rat cerebellum has 3 layers: molecular, ganglionic and granular. The molecular layer contains basket-shaped and stellate cells. The ganglionic layer is formed by a series of Purkinje cells, which are pear-shaped and consist of an axon and several dendrites. The granular layer is directly adjacent to the white matter of the cerebellum and includes several types of neurons. In the center of the gyrus there is a white matter that borders on a granular layer of gray matter and in depth contains the subcortical nuclei of the cerebellum.After measuring the size of the components of the cerebellum, it was found that the total average thickness of the cerebellar cortex was (267.51±8.46) μm, the average thickness of the molecular layer was (123.55±5.85) μm, and the granular layer was (132.36±6,54) μm. In turn, the total average thickness of the white matter of the cerebellum was (48.23±4.38) μm. As a result, we received information that we can use to interpret the results obtained on humans, with different plans of research and experiments, as well as for further research on the effect of food additives on the cerebellum, therefore, this study is relevant.


cerebellum, Purkinje cells, perikarion, axon, gray matter, white matter, associative fibers, bryophyte fibers, liana-like fibers.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (158), 2020 year, 272-276 pages, index UDK 611.817:616-071