Nekhanevych O. B., Kvasnikova V. I., Manin M. V., Abramov V. V., Smirnova О. L., Gluschuk Y. О.


About the author:

Nekhanevych O. B., Kvasnikova V. I., Manin M. V., Abramov V. V., Smirnova О. L., Gluschuk Y. О.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The increasing in the incidence of sudden deaths among young people during physical training and sports is already worrying not only professionals in the field of medicine and physical education, but also worries parents and children. According to the literature, most of these conditions are associated with latent pathology of the cardiovascular system, which is not detected by routine screening. Justification of available effective tools for early diagnosis and timely correction of training loads can be a way to solve this problem. Therefore, the development of a program for rapid diagnosis of physical health of schoolchildren is extremely important. The aim of the study. Improving the effectiveness of measures to prevent sudden conditions during physical education of schoolchildren, through the development and implementation of methods for rapid diagnosis of physical health, the system of informatization of teachers and students and methods for correcting training loads. Object and methods of research. We conducted a study of 58 students aged 15-17 years, who used the mobile application to determine indicators for distribution to medical groups and to adjust physical activity during physical education classes. Methods. The level of physical development was investigated using the method of anthropometry. Assessment of physical development was carried out by the method of indices, for which the body mass index (MI) was calculated. Body composition, in particular the degree of development of subcutaneous fat (BF) was determined by caliperometry. Physical performance was determined by the Rufier test (RT). Research results and their discussion. In the theory and practice of physical education of school-age children there is a problem of choosing a method of diagnosing the functional state of the cardiovascular system during physical education, in particular, given the limited time and availability of complex equipment. Thus, the idea of creating a mobile application that would allow teachers, students and their parents to quickly receive information about the level of physical health of adolescents (15 years and older). The Health mobile application was created in the Thunkable browser environment, which was used to determine MI, RT and BF. During the semester from September to December, an experimental implementation of the mobile application “Health” was conducted. At the beginning of the semester, in September, the results of the Rufier index did not differ statistically significantly in the two observation groups. At the end of the semester, the main group increased from 55.16% of students to 62.07%, ie by 6.91%. The preparatory group decreased by 1.69%. The percentage of students assigned to the special medical group was 15.52% at the end of the semester, which indicates a decrease in the percentage of this group by 5.18%. The study determined the level of physical development and physical health of 11th grade students. Indicators of the level of physical development of schoolchildren indicate that their values correspond to the biological patterns inherent in this group of adolescents. Conclusions. A method of rapid diagnostics of the level of physical health was introduced with the help of the mobile application “Health”, which provided an opportunity to quickly adjust the distribution of students to medical groups and adjust the level of physical activity. The application of the method of rapid diagnosis of physical health of schoolchildren and prompt adjustment of the distribution of students into medical groups with further optimization of physical activity during physical education led to a statistically significant decrease in the percentage of students with poor and unsatisfactory Rufye’s index by 6.90% and 3,43%, respectively (p <0.05), and reducing its average value to 8.16±0.95 c.u, which differed significantly from the control group, where it was 9.82±1.01 c.u., at the end of the academic term. According to the results of the repeated medical examination at the end of the academic semester after the application of the developed methodology, the percentage of students assigned to a special medical group decreased by 5.18%.


sudden conditions in schoolchildren, physical exertions, express diagnosis of physical health.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (158), 2020 year, 310-314 pages, index UDK 796.012.1:614.253.4:612.75