Jumayev H. D., Vysotina I. B., Amanov B., Armedova O. G., Lukina N. L.


About the author:

Jumayev H. D., Vysotina I. B., Amanov B., Armedova O. G., Lukina N. L.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Chronic gingivitis with bleeding gums and further possible tooth loss is one of the serious problems of pediatric dentistry, which requires solutions at all levels, from the search for early diagnosis methods to methods of evaluating the effectiveness of treatment and determining the markers necessary for this. The aim of the study was to study the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of periodontal microorganisms DS, to establish their role in the pathogenesis of CCG in children with DMA living in the hot and dry climate of Turkmenistan. The article includes data on the qualitative and quantitative nature of the periodontal microbiota of the gingival sulcus in children with predominantly combined dentoalveolar anomalies, which can be interpreted as predictors of the development of chronic catarrhal gingivitis in children with dentoalveolar anomalies. To clarify the type of DMA, anthropometric and X-ray studies were carried out, and to establish the intensity and prevalence of CCG – clinical studies with an index assessment of the periodontal condition. Isolation and identification of microorganisms was carried out with use of standard bacteriological methods and equipment “Vitek 2 Compact”. As a result of a microbiological study, a mixed nature of microbiota was established with an association of 2 or more periodontal microorganisms of the 1st and 2nd order in patients with chronic focal, generalized catarrhal gingivitis and intact periodontal disease, which developed against the background of dentoalveolar anomalies. Periodontogens were represented by P. gingivalis, P. intermedia, P. denticola, P. oralis and F. nucleatum. A comparative analysis of the number of microorganisms indicated that the critical doses of periodontogens were exceeded with an increase in the number of microorganisms in parallel with the prevalence of chronic catarrhal gingivitis. The established changes in the nature of the periodontal microflora of the periodontal sulcus in children with dentoalveolar anomalies living in a dry and hot climate of Turkmenistan are predictors of the development of the inflammatory process in the periodontium and serve as the basis for correcting the treatment strategy and management tactics of this category of patients.


dental and maxillary anomalies (DMA), chronic catarrhal gingivitis (CCG), chronic focal catarrhal gingivitis (CFCG), chronic generalized catarrhal gingivitis (CGCG), dentogingival sulcus (DS), intact parodentium (IP), colony-forming units (CFU).


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (158), 2020 year, 333-338 pages, index UDK [(616.314.17-008.1+616.311.2-002)-036]-053.5-007