Pylypiuk O. Y., Kulygina V. M., Shinkaruk-Dykovytska M. M., Aleksyeyenko N. S., Vakhovskyi V. V.


About the author:

Pylypiuk O. Y., Kulygina V. M., Shinkaruk-Dykovytska M. M., Aleksyeyenko N. S., Vakhovskyi V. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The interaction and relationship between dental diseases and the pathologies of internal organs and systems, particularly dental caries with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA), is one of the pressing issues of modern dentistry. Systemic disorders of mineral metabolism in JRA and the catabolic effect of corticosteroids taken by children with JRA affect the mineralized tissues of the body. Object and methods. The examination of 55 children of the main group with JRA (class XIII, M08.0) aged from 8 to 16 years and 52 practically healthy children of the control group of the same age period without somatic pathology. All subjects were divided into two groups according to the classification of VI Berzin: prepubertal (8-12 years) and pubertal (adolescent) period (13-16 years). In prepubertal age, 29 children of the main group with JRA and 25control without somatic diseases were examined, in adolescence26 and 27 children, respectively. The intensity of caries was determined by the indices of carious, filled, removed teeth and carious, filled temporary teeth (in the prepubertal period) and carious, filled, removed teeth (in adolescents) and by the expanded structure of carious, filled, removed teeth for temporary ones, as well as the degree of activity of carious lesions of teeth by forms: compensated, subcompensated, decompensated. Research results. After analyzing the results, it was found that the intensity of carious lesions of the teeth in children with JRA more than twice (in childhood II group) and three times (in adolescents) exceeded that in children of the control group (p <0.05). Assessing the course of the carious process in children with JRA, we found the predominance of uncomplicated and complicated untreated caries in the structure of DTEMF (respectively «C» + «P» in children in the prepubertal period was 76.5 %, adolescents78.4%) (“c” + “p” in the prepubertal period61.04 %), the development in most cases of acute primary caries (defects in the form of white carious spots in the structure of the element “c” in the second childhood was 47.3 %, in adolescence44.4 %) and the predominance of the decompensated degree of activity of the carious lesions. Conclusions. This indicated a possible impact of systemic disease on the intensity and activity of carious lesions of teeth.


juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, children, dental caries, intensity.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (158), 2020 year, 365-369 pages, index UDK 616.314-002:616.72-002.77-053