Udod O. A., Kibishauri M. V.


About the author:

Udod O. A., Kibishauri M. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The assessment of clinical state involved examination of 456 direct restorations of posterior teeth from various materials. Evaluation was carried out applying visual and instrumental method, as well as dental operating microscope. Most of the restorations were made from photocomposite materials − 346 (75.9%), 71 restorations (15.6%) − from glass ionomer cements, and 39 (8.5%) − from chemical composites. The total number of restorations with impairments amounted to 292 (64%) while applying visual and instrumental examination method, in case of the use of optical equipment − 398 (87.2%). Visual and instrumental examination detected surface roughness in 35 restorations (89.7%) provided by chemically cured composites, examination with optical devices − in 39 restorations (100%); impaired marginal adaptation and marginal staining were observed in 33 restorations (84.6%) while applying visual and instrumental examination and with optical magnification − in 37 (94.9%), secondary caries − in 31 (79.5%) and 34 restored teeth (87.2%), respectively. Marginal staining was revealed in 52 restorations (73.2%) from glass ionomer cements in case of visual and instrumental examination and in 58 restorations (81.7%) − applying microscope, impaired marginal adaptation − 46 (64.8%) and 51 restorations (71.8 %), respectively, surface roughness − 44 (62%) and 49 restorations (69%), secondary caries was diagnosed, respectively, in 38 (53.5%) and 42 teeth (59.1%). In 175 photocomposite restorations (50.6%), surface roughness was detected with visual and instrumental method, compared to 187 restorations (54%), revealed with microscope; marginal staining was determined, respectively, in 168 (48.6%) and 185 restorations (53.5%), impaired marginal adaptation − in 153 (44.2%) and 177 (51.2%), secondary caries was diagnosed in 141 (40.8%) and 163 restored teeth (47.1%). In general, visualinstrumental examination detected 182 photocomposite restorations (52.6%) with impairments, optical devices − 257 (74.3%). The use of magnifying optical devices provides a more effective diagnosis of dental restoration disorders.


teeth, direct restorations, condition, impairment, optical devices, dental microscope.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (158), 2020 year, 374-378 pages, index UDK 616.314-039.77-71-77:681.7