About the author:
Bekirova L. G.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Studies of the oral cavity in individuals with inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues revealed a wide variety of bacterial strains, a high frequency of sowing of obligate anaerobes that can change or suppress the local immune defense system, and cause bone resorption. Purpose of the study: increasing the effectiveness of the treatment of generalized forms of periodontitis through the use of a drug complex with various antiseptics. Object and methods. Depending on the means used, all 36 patients aged 30 to 40 years with chronic generalized periodontitis of mild severity were divided into three groups: 1st group – 0.2% chlorhexidine solution; 2nd group – Curasept ADS 212, 0,12% chlorhexidine solution; the 3rd group is a 0,05% chlorhexidine solution. Assessment of the dental status of 200 patients was carried out using the index of need for treatment of periodontal disease, CPITN, 1980.The duration of the use of the assigned funds is 14 days. The presence and degree of bleeding of the gums was determined using the simplified index of bleeding of the gingival sulcus SBI (Mühlemann H.R., Son S., 1971). Before and after treatment, the state of acid-base balance in the oral cavity was determined. Research results. When studying the intensity of periodontal diseases in different age groups of patients, it was revealed that in young people the most frequent clinical manifestations of the pathology under study were plaque and bleeding gums. An index assessment of the effectiveness of the use of various anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents in the treatment and prevention of inflammatory periodontal diseases was carried out. At this stage of clinical trials in patients of the 1st group, the values of the bleeding index decreased and when probing the gums, bleeding was not observed or weak point hemorrhages in the area of single teeth were diagnosed. Almost similar dynamics in improving the condition of periodontal soft tissues was also observed in patients of the comparison group, where in the same period the average index values decreased by almost 4.5 times, but were higher than in the main group – 10.8±1.35% (p = 0.1853). The most significant and positive changes in pH were found in the group of test patients who used high-concentration chlorhexidine solution – 0.2%. Conclusions. The obtained statistics confirm the continuity and necessity of using the antiseptics proposed in the 1 and 2 group for the intended purpose and developed instructions.
periodontitis, inflammation, treatment.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 1 (153), 2019 year, 282-286 pages, index UDK 616-314-72