About the author:
Kaskova L. F., Amosova L. I., Yanko N. V., Soloshenko Yu. I., Pavlenkova O. S.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The important role of fluorides in the prevention of dental caries today is absolutely established, perfectly scientifically substantiated and put into practice. The authors have convincingly shown that in children living in regions with optimal fluoride concentration in drinking water, caries rates are significantly lower than in children living in regions with insufficient halogen content. However, there are virtually no studies on the prevalence and intensity of dental caries depending on the presence of fluorosis.Studies of many authors proved the need to incorporate local biogeochemical and ecological factors when planning preventive measures for the prevention of dental caries. Significant role in the regional characteristics and their impact on the incidence of tooth decay is given to fluoride. Since Poltava, as before, is an area of endemic fluorosis, we should expect that the prevalence of dental caries in the area is low and additional preventive measures will not be necessary. The aim of our investigation is to study the indices of caries in permanent teeth of schoolchildren, depending on the fluorosis manifestation and fluoride concentration in drinking water. To solve this problem it was a study of 7-, 8-, 9-, 12-, and 17-years-old students in secondary schools of Kremenchug (608 people) and Poltava (1214 people). All surveyed were divided into three age groups: 7-9-years-old, 12-years and 17-years-old. Each age group of students consisted of three subgroups: 1 – Kremenchug residents; 2 – Poltava residents without clinical signs of fluorosis; 3 – Poltava residents with fluorosis symptoms on teeth. The greatest prevalence of dental caries in children of any age should first subgroup. The lowest incidence of children had a third subgroup. Analysis of caries manifestations depending on fluorosis on the teeth showed that in each age group the children of the third subgroup had a lower incidence. The prevalence of caries in them compared to the second subgroup of children, was significantly less by 5% in 7 – 9 years and by 12% – at 17 years. The intensity of caries was significantly below in 2,3 times and 2,5 times respectively. School children of 12 years haven’t significant difference caries prevalence and intensity depending on the manifestations of fluorosis on the teeth. Analysis of caries depending on the age showed that in the first subgroup examined that the prevalence of dental caries in 7 – 9 years was 49.83%, is likely to increase by 36 % to 12 years and by 7% – from 12 to 17 years. The intensity of caries in 7 – 9 years was 1.28, significantly increased in 3.5 times up to 12 years and 1.14 times – from 12 to 17 years. The same pattern is found in the second examined subgroup, where the prevalence of dental caries in 7 – 9 years was 9.42% in the intensity of 0.16, significantly increased to 12 years by 52% and 8 times, and from 12 to 17 years – 21% and 2.2 times, respectively. Among children, the third subgroup likely increase in the prevalence of dental caries was 50% from 7 – 9 to 12 years and 16% – from 12 to 17 years. The intensity of caries from 7 – 9 to 12 years was significantly increased by 16 times. Between students of 12 and 17 years old we didn’t found a significant difference of intensity of caries. The findings suggest that the prevalence and intensity of caries in permanent teeth in children of Poltava by several times lower than that of children of appropriate age in Kremenchug, and in children with symptoms of fluorosis on the teeth caries intensity permanent teeth after 12 years increases very slowly. Analysis of the relationship of caries manifestations of the presence of fluorosis showed a significant difference between the prevalence and intensity of caries in permanent teeth in 7 – 9 years old and 17 years old schoolchildren. Conclusions. Prevention of dental caries in permanent teeth should be carried out early to children living in areas with low fluoride content in drinking water. In the area of endemic fluorosis preventive measures, it is first necessary to carry out the children without evidence of fluorosis on the teeth.
children, caries, fluorosis, permanent teeth, prevalence of caries.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 1 (153), 2019 year, 322-325 pages, index UDK 616.314-002: [613.31:543.272.455+616.314-003.663.4]-053.2