About the author:
Lytvynets-Holutyak U. Ye.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The work is dedicated to researching the results of indicators of oxidative modification of proteins and antioxidant enzymes in patients with the odontogenic cysts. The study involved 87 patients aged 18 to 45 years, patients with the odontogenic cysts. The first of grup was 67 patients with the odontogenic cysts and the second – 20 healthy. For studing the state of oxidative modification of proteins we are using the indicators of OMP with the methods by E.E. Dubinina and others. The activenes superoxiddismutase we are studing with the use the methods by C. Chevari and others. The quantitative determination of katalase in serum of the blood was carried out by the method A.N. Bakch and S.V. Subkova. The results obtained were analyzed using computer software packages of the license program «STATISTICA» StatSoft Inc. та Excel XP for Windows. We used parametric and non-parametric research methods. We found the patients have a prooxidant activation, which is manifested by a significant increase of the level of oxidation-modified proteins. Thus, the rate of oxidative modification of proteins OMP-356, reaching (0,293 ± 0,006) compared with patients of healthy group (pN<0,05). The maximum value of the OMP-370 and OMP430 were registered in the group of patients with odontogenic cysts (pN <0,05). Content of OMP-530 in patients with the odontogenic cysts with practically wasn’t different from the rate of the control group, and compared with healthy (pN<0,05). However, in these patients was diminished the antioxidant protection, confirming a significant reduction in enzyme activity of catalase and superoxidedismutase. In patients with the odontogenic cysts as a pathological condition it is advisable to control the markers of oxidative stress in the body and the leveled of oxidative modification of the proteins.
odontogenic cysts, oxidative modification, antioxidant protection
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 1 (153), 2019 year, 329-331 pages, index UDK 616.314–089+616.31–006.2