About the author:
Cherevan Y. O., Sidashenko O. I., Tymchyy K. I., Fedota S. V., Volkov R. D.
Type of article:
Scentific article
In connection with the active development of the poultry industry in the world, the pressing issue is to obtain environmentally friendly livestock products. Such preparations that can provide such products are the newest probiotics, obtained on the basis of representatives of normal comormal microorganisms – lacto- and bifidobacteria. These types of microorganisms have antibacterial and immunomodulating properties. The effectiveness of probiotics has long been proven, but these drugs have not been widely used. Therefore, the purpose of this work was to characterize probiotic drugs and their use in poultry on the basis of existing literary sources. Bacteria that make up probiotics, produce antibodies to protect the body and stimulate the immune response to the pathogen, prevent pathogenic microorganisms from attaching to the intestinal walls, and also inhibit their growth. In addition, probiotics strengthen the intestinal mucous layer, which is a barrier to infection, block the synthesis of toxic compounds by pathogenic flora and contribute to their destruction. Also, the benefit of probiotics is the ability of beneficial bacteria to synthesize vitamins B and K. As a result, the process of splitting substances from food improves, digestion is normalized, toxic elements are neutralized and the growth of pathogenic flora is suppressed. Today, the normal microflora is a qualitative and quantitative ratio of the associations of microorganisms of individual organs and systems that maintain the biochemical, metabolic and immune balance of the host organism, necessary to maintain its health. It is an important factor in the overall homeostasis of the macroorganism. A change in the balance of the intestinal microflora is called dysbacteriosis, which can be caused by the use of antibiotics and other stressful factors. Today, international organizations (FAO/WHO) put forward stringent requirements for the evaluation of probiotic strains and drugs based on them, including: the precise identification of microorganisms using microbiological and genetic methods of investigation, a comprehensive description of biological activity and safety, and obtaining evidence of the clinical efficacy of probiotics. The biological effectiveness of probiotic drugs is determined not only by the properties of the strains used, but also by the technologies of their production, where the main goal is to achieve the maximum yield of viable cells of bacteria and biologically active substances synthesized by them, useful for the macroorganism. Microflora of the digestive tract of birds. Birds differ from other agricultural animals by the structure of the digestive system, high metabolic rate, the important role played by enzymes of microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. Chickens are more susceptible to infections, adverse environmental factors than mammals, since they do not receive immunostimulants and nutrients with maternal milk. The death of the young bird is largely due to the disease and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, caused by pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. In the conditions of industrial livestock and poultry farming, the most economically advantageous is the use of drugs based on substances of natural origin, have an effective antagonistic effect on pathogens of infectious diseases and the ability to positively influence the immune response, that is, act as immunostimulants. These drugs are the latest probiotics derived from the representatives of normal commensal microflora – lactobacterium and bifidobacteria, as well as bacilli, which are part of a generation of self-limiting antagonists. Preparations based on the above microorganisms exhibit antibacterial and immunomodulating properties. Thus, probiotics are promising drugs for the treatment of various dysbiotic conditions and infectious diseases.
probiotic preparations, poultry farming, dysbacteriosis, infectious diseases, ecological poultry farming
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (147), 2018 year, 77-84 pages, index UDK 579.62