About the author:
Krivchun А. М.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Among the primary headaches, one of the most common is migraine. Modern principles of migraine therapy include effective relief of migraine attacks and course preventive treatment. In recent years, anticonvulsants have been used increasingly for the prevention of migraine. Proven, that successful preventive treatment of migraine decrease frequency and hardness of cephalgic paroxysms, prevent transformation of episodic headache in a chronical, prevent development structural changes in central neural system, improves quality of patient`s life. Preventive therapy conducts if a frequency of migraine attacks appears more than twice a month. The aim of the study was to study the efficacy of topiramate at a dose of 50 mg per day for the preventive treatment of migraine. 15 patients aged from 20 to 53 years was surveyed. The average of disease duration was 19.20±9.58 years. The duration of topiramat administration was 6.00±0.71 months. The frequency of attacks in general in the group after the course of treatment decreased 2.1 times: on average, to 2.02±0.97 times per month. The average duration of the attack was significantly reduced from 57.7±25.73 to 30.30±31.82 hours. The intensity of pain decreased from 8.60±1.12 to 5.50±2.34 points of a VAS scale. The level of anxiety, depression, the degree of disturbance of daily activity also decreased, but these figures are not statistically significant. The correlation analysis revealed no dependence of the effectiveness of topiramate on the age, experience of the disease, the frequency and duration of attacks, the intensity of the pain syndrome. The drug was well tolerated by patients, no side effects that required discontinuation of the drug were observed. Thus, topiramate at a dose of 50 mg per day (once a night) is an effective drug for the preventive treatment of migraine.
migraine, preventive treatment, topiramate
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (147), 2018 year, 148-151 pages, index UDK 616.857:615.2