About the author:
Ilenko N. M., Boychenko O. N.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The future doctor should have a significant stock of professional knowledge and skills at the beginning of his professional activity, use them, search for new information, constantly improve his professional competence and purposefulness. Therefore, the teacher of a higher academic institution is faced with the question of finding methods and innovative technologies that have become a bi-qualitative tool for training a specialist. So one of these tools is the use of interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary communication, which is a new issue. In modern society, inter-scientific synthesis, integration, and the interpenetration of sciences acquire a large-scale character, and interdisciplinarity becomes the main feature of modern science. Therefore, the range of interdisciplinary research in the field of education is expanding. Therefore, the value of interdisciplinary connections in the training of a competent doctor increases significantly. In studies of famous scientists, educators and scientists (I. Zverev, V. Korotov, M. Skatkin 2014). Communications act as a condition for the unity of training and education, a means of an integrated approach to the training system. One of the advantages of the interdisciplinary approach is determined by the implementation of its basic didactic teaching principles. First of all, interdisciplinary coordination, ensures the interaction of teaching discipline with other disciplines, coordination of topics and curricula. As a result, the principle of systematic and consistent introduction of educational material and the formation of the necessary skills and abilities is also ensured. The principle of educational training in the framework of an interdisciplinary approach is implemented by helping students overcome excessive shyness, depression, mercantile spirit, indifference, and stimulate personal and professional development, activity, independence, initiative, courtesy, and mutual assistance. Positive communication in a lesson in therapeutic dentistry enriches the educational process with emotional experiences. The principle of accounting for individual characteristics provides for the provision of rational assistance that corresponds to the level of knowledge and difficulties encountered by students, familiarity with the individual characteristics of students. Thus, holistic knowledge of the discipline of therapeutic dentistry is an important step for the formation of the future doctor, consisting of knowledge from related disciplines, studied during all years of study. The interdisciplinary approach contributes to the implementation of didactic teaching principles, stimulates the teacher to update the teaching content, enrich it with interesting and relevant interdisciplinary topics, new situational tasks and communicative situations.
interdisciplinary, interdisciplinary relations, education
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (147), 2018 year, 223-225 pages, index UDK 378:614.25:616.31