Malikov O. V.


About the author:

Malikov O. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


For quality teaching human anatomy to students, it is necessary to emphasize the efficient use and combination of traditional methods with various forms of integration of test control. Through the details of the study of the organs structure on natural preparations, with their wider use, it is necessary to distinguish clinical aspects: introduction to the educational process of acquaintance with the data of various clinical situations using the example of the use of situational tasks «Krok-1». This is precisely the way which is methodically substantiated for the optimization and scientific organization of the modern educational process at the human anatomy departments. Aim and tasksof this work was to reveal the essence and characteristics of teaching human anatomy in modern conditions, identifying the shortcomings and advantages of the updated approaches to teaching, introduced in the educational process, and rethinking the traditional teaching methods with various forms of integration of modern techniques. Methods and results of the study. Efficient use and combination of traditional methods with various forms of integration of test control (but not prevailing) is the methodically substantiated way of optimization and scientific organization of the educational process in the applied study of anatomy as the foundation of medicine. This method of conducting classes and monitoring students’ knowledge gives them an opportunity to learn as much material as possible and encourages them to process data of all sections of the subject by themselves which is necessary for obtaining the profession of a doctor in the future


curriculum, examination, natural preparation, clinical aspect, test, situational task


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (147), 2018 year, 228-231 pages, index UDK 378.147:372.8:611