Vasylyk T. P.


About the author:

Vasylyk T. P.



Type of article:

Scentific article


With an annual increase in the number of interventions for various diseases of the abdominal cavity and the number of patients with postoperative and recurrent hernia, the issues of optimal diagnosis of the state of muscle tissue in patients before and after hernioplasty, as well as methods for monitoring the effectiveness of the physical rehabilitation program, remain unsolved. Objective: to scientifically substantiate the possibility of using eletromiographic diagnostics to improve the results of treatment of patients after hernioplasty through the use of an improved program of physical rehabilitation. Methods.120 patients after hernioplasty were examined. An improved program of physical rehabilitation for such patients provided for an individual approach using breathing exercises and special passive physical exercises for the upper and lower extremities with the maximum possible early active regimen. Monitoring the intensity of physical activity was carried out by heart rate throughout the entire session, as well as according to computer spirography and electromyographic studies. Results.In patients after 2 weeks after hernioplasty, there are processes that relate to stage II of the denervation-renervation process, and after 4 weeks – to stage I. After the introduction of physical rehabilitation facilities, a probable improvement in all average indicators of the functional reserves of the cardio-respiratory system was observed, which reduced the stay of patients with a sick-list after hernioplasty. Conclusion.Improvement of the external respiration function and the functional state of the cardiovascular system in the main group of patients, compared with the comparison group, testifies to the high efficiency of the improved physical rehabilitation program, which has reduced the stay of patients on the sick-list after hernioplasty. The study of electromyographic indicators in the dynamics of the introduction of an improved physical rehabilitation program is an objective basis for substantiating the electrophysiological periodization of the stagedness of the morpho-functional restructuring of all components of the anterior abdominal wall muscles after hernioplasty.


inguinal hernia, hernioplasty, electromyography, physical rehabilitation


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (147), 2018 year, 232-237 pages, index UDK 617-089.844