About the author:
Babak S.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The bone marrow condition was studied in girls who are in a state of chronic overload due to the fact that they study at a school on specialty “choreography” and at the same time attend groups of sports ballroom dances. Disorders of bone tissue in athletes are more frequent than that in male athletes. For the period of study, they are in adolescence and youth age, when the muscular-skeletal system is still growing and developing, which increases the risk of injuries and deformation of the skeleton. Minerals are required for the growing and regeneration of bones, among which are calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, silicones and others. Aim of the research: to adjust the diet to strengthen the bone system of female students. Sociological, psychological and pedagogical, anthropometric, dietary methods of research, methods of mathematical statistics were used for the research. It was found out that at the beginning of the study, female dancers had no any idea about the dietary regime, the diet, as well as the age-specific features of the muscular-skeletal system and its recuperation. During two years of the training, they had cases of lower extremities bones injury, frequent pain in the spine, joints, ligaments, and feeling of chronic fatigue. Practical studies have shown that the nutrition that we have proposed and aimed at saturation of bone tissue with such essential chemical elements as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, silicates, is important and is scientifically based on correlation of these elements in food products and knowledge about the assimilation of their body. It is also important that the composition of the diet does not exceed the upper limit of the permissible energy supply of the organism. Despite the fact that the students used a diet that was aimed on strengthening bone tissue, totally had a fairly high level of body energy supply. But, at the same time, the fat tissue decreased in the searched female dancers, and the bone mass increased. An important fact that confirmed the positive changes in bone tissue was that there was no case of bone fractures in the course of 10 months study. When performing the tasks on choreographic practical classes, the stamina, lightness, strength, speed and flexibility were increased in the students. Knowledge of sports nutrition is required for choreographers, teachers of choreographic specialties, heads of dance groups. They should promote this knowledge among their students. This is especially true for choreographestrainers who are professionally work with students.
female students, dancers, bone skeleton, chemical elements, food diet
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (147), 2018 year, 328-333 pages, index UDK 613.2:613. 27:616.7:793.33