About the author:
Sobol E. V., Sheiko V. H.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The optimal functioning of holistic organism in the conditions of adaptation is provided by the concerted reactions of the different functional systems. Thus in the process of adaptation reactions forming the separate functional systems have different importance that is predefined by their functional reserves. The feature of modern environment is the rapid moving of human beings to long distances by means of speed transport systems: airplanes, helicopters, trains, cars. Movement through a few time, climatic and geographical zones is a complex exogenous factor that causes stress-reaction of organism of modern human. Geochronoclimatic factors belong to such extraordinary conditions under the influence of which the protective functions of the cellular link of systemic immunity are violated. In the article are changes of the cellular link of systemic immunity in volunteers who crossed 6500 km that is several geographic, time and climatic zones has researched. It was shown that under the influence of these factors there was a decrease in the absolute number of leukocytes. The content of lymphocytes has undergone various changes: right after the flight – a tendency to increase the absolute values, in twenty-four hours after the flight – to decrease. The content of T-lymphocytes (CD3) almost did not change right after the flight however in twenty-four hours after the flight there was a decrease in their absolute numbers. The increase in the absolute number of T-helper/ inducers (CD4) was noted right after the flight and in twenty-four hours after the flight with a simultaneous decrease in their relative content. Right after the flight the absolute and relative number of T-suppressors/cytotoxic (CD8) increased as well as the content of B-lymphocytes (CD19). In twenty-four hours after the flight a tendency to decrease in the absolute numbers of B-lymphocytes was observed, the relative values remained at the same level.
adaptation, geochronoclimatic factors, cellular link, systemic immunity
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (147), 2018 year, 387-389 pages, index UDK 612.017.11