About the author:
Nevmerzhitskaya N. N., Dzevulskaya I. V., Orzheshkovskiy V. V., Ostapyuk L. I., Bezshtanko N. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The article describes the life and work of the great scientist Karl Wernicke. He is rightly called a classic of psychoneuropathology. Karl Wernicke is an outstanding German psychiatrist and neuropathologist, the author of a psychomorphological direction in psychiatry, the creator of a psychiatric school, the discoverer of the eponymous aphasia, center and encephalopathy, Wernicke-Korsakov syndrome. In psychiatry, he described the following symptoms: alcoholic hallucinosis, allopsychosis, autopsychosis, including expansive, autochthonous ideas, secondary delirium, pseudo-dementia, angry mania, Wernicki presbyophrenia, transitivity, added information about somatopsychosis – special theory sejunctions – lesions of the system of associative connections (projection zones) of the brain with mental layers, described the temporoparietal Peak-Wernicke syndrome – a combination of sensory aphasia and agraphia with central paresis lower extremity and sensitivity disorders in the same half of the body, which is observed with damage to the temporal-parietal region of the dominant hemisphere of the large brain. Karl Wernicke first describes overvalued ideas. He differentiated them from the obsessions described by his teacher C.-F.-O. Westphalle. He also described for the first time the «Case of convulsive neurosis», which manifests itself as painful muscle cramps of a psychogenic nature and modern neurology called cramping spasm. At the beginning of 1905, Robert Koch nominated Wernicke for the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, and perhaps the chances were high for receiving it, but, alas, the tragic death of the great scientist was canceled on July 15 (according to other sources) on July 15, 1905, after 2 days after being injured in an accident while cycling in Thuringian Forest. He died in Dörrberg (now a small town in the commune of Grevenrod). Karl Wernicke broke several ribs and sternum, leading to pneumothorax. From these serious injuries he died at the age of 57.
Wernicke, discovery, neurologist, psychiatry
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (154), 2019 year, 10-13 pages, index UDK 929