About the author:
Sakevych V. D., Trybrat T. A., Liakhovska N. V., Sakevych V. I., Redchyts I. V
Type of article:
Scentific article
Today, for the first time in history, most people can expect to reach the age of 60 and over. Combined with a marked decrease in fertility, such an increase in life expectancy leads to a rapid aging of the population worldwide and puts a priority on the prevention of age-related pathology health of the elderly. Ukraine belongs to the demographically old countries of the world. The article highlights the principles of comprehensive geriatric assessment – an interdisciplinary diagnostic process aimed at developing a treatment plan, long-term follow-up and support for the elderly. Homeoresis is considered as «the trajectory of change in the state of physiological systems, of the whole organism during life». The definition of homeoresis allows you to predict the age of development, its natural, accelerated or slow aging. The components of the complex geriatric assessment, including determination of the physical, functional, psychological and social status of the subject, are reflected. Particular attention is given to the age peculiarities of the functioning of different organs and systems, which must be taken into account in the development of a targeted geriatric care strategy. According to the results of a comprehensive geriatric assessment, an individual plan of patient management is drawn up, the realization of which is possible with the combined efforts of a geriatrician and a team of medical specialists, relatives and social service workers. Emphasis is placed on healthy aging. Its definition as a process of development and maintenance of functional capacity for well-being in old age. Numerous directions and ways for practical measures to promote healthy aging have been identified with one common goal: to maximize functional capacity. Numerous medical, social and psychological needs, which are shaped by age, determine the need to develop and implement a state system of comprehensive measures of medical and social assistance to the elderly. The World Aging and Health Report, published in 2015, focuses on healthy aging. The guidelines define it as the process of developing and maintaining a functional capability that ensures well-being in the elderly. Numerous directions for practical measures to promote healthy aging have been identified with one common goal: to maximize functional capacity. There are two main ways of achieving these priorities: developing and maintaining individual vitality and empowering people with reduced functional capacity to perform important activities for them. Geriatrics is one of the youngest and most humane medical specialties that not only helps solve longevity but also contributes to the moral revival of society.
complex geriatric evaluation, homeoresis, old age, components of complex geriatric evaluation, healthy aging, geriatric care.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (154), 2019 year, 41-47 pages, index UDK 616-008.9:613.71/9