About the author:
Kravets L. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Aim. To study the dynamics of the level and prognostic value of cortisol and insulin as markers of nonspecific stress response in the structure of the adaptive response of the nervous system in premature infants. Object and methods. 89 newborns were examined: 3 premature babies and 30 full-term infants. In addition, the groups were divided by gestational age. The levels of cortisol, insulin, serum glucose and the cortisol-insulin ratio at 5-7 days of life and in dynamics at 3 weeks were determined. Results. It was found that cortisol levels in premature infants were significantly lower than those of the comparison group, and that the insulin and cortisol-insulin index did not differ significantly between the observation groups. The correlation between gestational age and cortisol levels in children of the main group was established. The dynamics determined that cortisol levels increased significantly in preterm infants and did not differ from the comparison group (unlike the previous indicators). There were no significant differences in the insulin and cortisolinsulin index, respectively. Conclusions. Premature birth in combination with severe perinatal hypoxic-ischemic CNS damage adversely affects the mechanisms of hormonal adaptation in the early neonatal period: CNS, due to brain immaturity and hypoxic damage, is unable to adequately regulate extrinsic responses and internal responses. Premature babies 27-30 weeks gestation showed the lowest level of cortisol, which is associated with immaturity on the background of hypoxic adrenal gland, while children born 31-34 weeks gestation identified high levels of cortisol associated with high the level of stress responses that prevent the initiation of anabolic processes and the restoration of damaged areas of the brain. Cortisol levels are prone to dynamics and after 3 weeks there is a significant increase in cortisol levels in preterm infants and did not differ from the comparison group.
preterm birth, newborns, adaptation, cortisol, insulin.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (154), 2019 year, 112-116 pages, index UDK 612.453:612.349.8]:616-053.32