About the author:
Kramar S. B., Nebesna Z. M., Stravska M. Y., Soroka Y. V., Stravskyy T. Y
Type of article:
Scentific article
According to world statistics, thermal trauma occurs every 30 minutes. Exogenous and endogenous intoxication, the source of which is a burn wound, play the important role in the pathogenesis of destructive changes after deep burns. The aim of this work was to establish the dynamics of changes in the degree of endogenous intoxication after experimental thermal trauma and in the condition of correction. Object and methods. Experimental studies were performed on 48 adult guinea pigs. The experimental animals were divided into three groups: intact guinea pigs; animals with severe thermal trauma; animals with burn injury and application of cryoliophilized xenodermal substrate after the early necrectomy of the damaged tissues. The degree of endogenous intoxication was investigated by determining the erythrocyte index of intoxication (EII) and the content of middle mass molecules (MMM).Results and discussion. Biochemically, at 7 days after burn, peak EII values and plasma concentrations of middle mass molecules were established, which significantly (p<0,001) exceeds the intact group index of animals by 1,73 and 1,81 times, respectively. In the stages of late toxemia and septicotoxemia (14–21 days), plasma toxicity continues to be quite high. Thus, the erythrocyte index of intoxication on the 14th day of the experiment equals 84,10%, and on the 21st day equals 72,03%, which exceeds the norm value accordingly at 1,52; 1,30 times (p <0,001). The concentration of middle mass molecules on the 14th day of the experiment is 0,895 units, which is significantly higher than the intact animals of 1,64 (p <0,001). On the 21st day of the experiment, the MMM is 0,870 units, of which MMM1 is 0,616 units, and MMM2 is 0,253 units, respectively, 1,60; 1,38 and 2,61 times significantly more (p <0,001) compared to the corresponding animals of the intact group. On the 7th day of use of the cryoliophilized xenodermal substrate, a significant reduction of the intoxication of the organism of burned animals was established, which promotes the development of adaptive-compensatory and regenerative processes in the skin at a high level. Even more positively, the efficacy of early necrectomy of tissue injury and wound closure with a cryolophilized xenodermal substrate is manifested at 14 and especially 21 days of the experiment. Thus, the determination of toxicity of blood plasma showed that the concentration of middle mass molecules on the 21st day of the experiment significantly (p<0,001) exceeds the norm by 1,21 times and significantly (p<0,001) below the corresponding values of animals of the second experimental group in 1,31 times. The value of erythrocyte index of intoxication approaches the values of the norm for 21 days, exceeding it only in 1,09 times. Conclusions. Thus, the application of a cryolophilized xenodermal substrate has a positive effect on the body of experimental animals: in all periods of the experiment there is a tendency to reduce signs of endotoxemia; were detected a decreasing of the concentration of low- and high-molecular-weight fractions of middle mass molecules and erythrocyte index of intoxication.
endogenic intoxication, thermal trauma, cryoliophilized xenodermal substrate
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (154), 2019 year, 116-120 pages, index UDK 616-018.54-008.6-02:616-001.17-085]-092.9