About the author:
Regeda-Furdychko M. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Contact dermatitis (CD) is one of the most pressing problems of modern medicine, which attracts the attention of dermatologists, pediatricians, allergists, therapists, immunologists, family doctors. Among all occupational diseases skin CD make up about 90%, with 70% coming from simple (irritant) dermatitis, and 30% from allergic. The disease significantly reduces the quality of life of the patient, and in the chronic course can initiate processes of carcinogenesis. Of great interest for research in medicine and biology is the study of proteolytic enzymes, which play an important role in the life of a living organism because they are involved not only in the exchange of proteins, degradation of their abnormal molecules, replenishment of the amino acid pool of cells, but also in the regulation of cells and cells in the processes of cell proliferation and transformation. In pathology, the balance between enzymes and their inhibitors is disturbed, which leads to the development of inflammatory, allergic reactions. In this regard, obtaining, studying the mechanisms of functioning and regulation of proteolysis is an important task of biochemists, pathophysiologists and clinicians. The purpose of our investigation is to study the features of the state of the proteinase-inhibitory system in the guinea pig lungs in the dynamics of the development of experimental contact dermatitis. Object and methods. Researches were conducted on guinea pigs, divided into five groups: I – control, II – 4th day of experiment, III – 8th day of contact dermatitis development and experimental pneumonia, IV – 10th day and V – 18th day of model processes before treatment. Early period included groups of animals on the 4th and 8th days of experiment. The late one – guinea pigs on the 10th and 18th days of experimental CD. Experimental contact dermatitis was simulated by method of Volkovoj V.A. (2010). The state of the proteinaseinhibitory system was evaluated by total proteolytic activity – by the lysis of azoalbumin, azocasein and azo-collagen and proteolysis inhibitors by the content of alpha 1-inhibitor of proteinases (α1-IP), alpha-2-macroglobulin by the method of Veremeenko KN, Goloborodko OP. (1988). Results and discussion. The gradual increase of contents of the azoalbumin, azokasein and azokolagen has been established in the research already in the early period of forming of experimental contact dermatitis. So, we are observing the increase of indicators of azoalbumin and azokasein in the lungs on the 8th day of the development of CD on 22.2% (p≤0,05) and 19.5% (p≤0,05) in comparison with control group. Regarding the content of azocollagen, we observe its increase, both on the 4th day by 13.0% (p ≤0.05) and on the 8th day of this experimental model of the disease by 30.4% (p≤0, 05) compared to the control. Indicators of proteolysis gradually increase in the late period of CD. The investigation of protein inhibitors, in particular, α1-protease inhibitor (α1-IP) and α2-macroglobulin (α2-М) in the early period of the experiment has showed their slight increase by 15.3% (р≤0,05) and 25.5% (p≤0.05) in comparison with the first group of animals on the 4th day of the experiment, that may prove about the inclusion of compensatory mechanisms of protection of proteinase-inhibitory system. However, by the 8th, 10th, 18th days of the CD the α1-IP indexes were reduced respectively by 16.9%, 58.3% and 41.1% (p≤0.05) and α2-М respectively by 20.6%, 58.8% and 43.1% (p≤0.05) relative to the control. Therefore, our researches of biochemical indicators of proteinase-inhibitory system in the lungs discovered the increase of proteolytic activity on the background of insufficient marked compensatory mechanisms of protein inhibitors with advantage of damage mechanism over protection mechanisms, especially in the late period of the development of experimental CD.
contact dermatitis, proteinase-inhibitory system.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (154), 2019 year, 192-195 pages, index UDK 616.33-002.42-092