About the author:
Khudiev V. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Objective: to analyze the condition of the elbow joint by the nature of the injury in various methods of treatment, to study the outcomes of treatment of supra- and transcondylar humeral fractures in children. Methods. We observed 155 children aged from 1 year to 15 years with supra- and transcondylar humeral fractures in children. Of these, there were 107 boys (69%), 48 girls (31%). In children’s traumatology Department of NIITO received treatment (107) and in BSMP (48) patients. In children from 4 to 7 years, elbow fractures occurred in 40% (62 children), which is associated with the beginning of active games at this age. Closed reposition with osteosynthesis with the spokes of Kirsner was used in 33 (21,3%) patients, of whom 13 (8,4%) were creamydinkly, and 9 (5,8%) names array, of these, 8 (5,2%) extensor, at 3 (1,9%) flexion fracture. After a closed reposition, these patients were injected with Kirshner spokes. When establishing the diagnosis, the whole complex of clinical signs in their totality should be taken into account. 50% of patients admitted to the Department of pediatric traumatology had severe swelling in the elbow joint, hematoma of the anterior surface of the joint. Neurological symptoms were noted in 7 (4.5%) patients, of which 3 were (1.9%) damaged radial nerve, median nerve – 1 in (0.75%), ulnar nerves in 3 (1.9%). Supra and transcondylar extensor fractures were in 67 (43.2%), flexor fractures in 88 (56.8%). Results. Supra and transcondylar fractures of the humerus in children are more common at the age of 8 to 10 years. In boys, these fractures are 2.2 times more common than in girls. With large swelling in the joint, two spokes were used in 98 patients, three spokes were used in 55 patients, one spoke was used in 1 patient, one cannulated screw was used in 1 (0.6%). From the mixing of fragments of the distal end, the fracture line and the method of treatment, it can be seen that of the 19 patients with closed reposition, 6 (3.9%) had TRANS-condylar, 3 (1.9%) supramondylar fractures, 7 (4.5%) extensor, and 3 patients (1.9%) had flexor fractures. Given that these fractures are simple intra-articular and the fracture line is on the same projection. Skeletal traction was used in 62 patients, 21 of them (13.5%) with a TRANS-condylar fracture, 12 (7.7%) with a suprasondylar fracture, 19 of them (12.3%) had an extensor fracture, and 10 patients had a flexor fracture (6.5%). Closed repositions with osteosynthesis of Kishner spokes were given in 33 patients (21.3%), of which 13 (8.4%) were TRANS-condylar, 9 – and suprasondylar (5.8%), and 8 – and extensor (5.2%), 3 patients with flexor fracture (1.9%). In this case, we used 33 patients (21.3%), of which 4 (2.6%) had a good result, 20 (12.9%) satisfactory, 9 (5.8%) unsatisfactory. Conclusion. Timely stable fixation leads to the restoration of the anatomical structure of the joint, to prevent secondary displacement.
humerus, children, above and beyond condyles fractures, clinic, diagnostics.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (154), 2019 year, 245-250 pages, index UDK 616.717.4-001.5-089-053.2