About the author:
Makarov S. O., Kalbus O. I., Shastun N. P., Bukreyeva Yu. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The article is devoted to a review of the literature on one of the educational methods that is used in modern education, including medical education – case-based learning. This technique was first used in 1912 at the University of Edinburgh, and now it is widely used in most higher medical schools in Western Europe, North America and some countries in Asia and Africa. Authors of the article discusses the lack of a clear definition of this method, despite the large number of scientific papers devoted to this. However, despite the different views on the definitions regarding case-based learning, the authors of this article highlighted the main common feature that appears in each definition, regardless of the author: this system is a unique technique that allows to connect theoretical knowledge with clinical practice in the context of applying these knowledge to solve a real specific clinical case. Using the data of the National Centre for Case Study Teaching in Science, authors identified the criteria that cases should meet (such as authenticity, style of presentation, consistency, educational value, etc.), because not every clinical case from practice is indicative and satisfies the main task of casebased learning, namely the creation of a student’s specific behavior model when solving a complex unstructured problem. The authors also highlighted the main technological components of this educational methodology, which must be observed in order to fully realize its functions. These are creation of the model of the real clinical case and defining of the role of the teacher. The authors note that the use of the case-based learning method contributes to a deeper study of the specific problem. That is, the training goes beyond simply identifying the right answers and more focused on developing a model of critical thinking and behavior that allows you to address a specific clinical situation and help solve similar situations in the future. Summing up the review of the collected data, the authors conclude that it is advisable to use this technique in higher medical education and its indisputable advantages compared with traditional training systems.
case-based learning, medical education, clinical case.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (154), 2019 year, 266-268 pages, index UDK 378.61:091-476.6