Yakushko O. S., Yeroshenko G. A., Boruta N. V., Vilkhova O. V., Skotarenko T. A.


About the author:

Yakushko O. S., Yeroshenko G. A., Boruta N. V., Vilkhova O. V., Skotarenko T. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The primary objective for educators is the formation of clinical thinking in students, starting from the first years of study, stimulating them to learning and providing with sufficiently high level of training on major subjects, required for future practical activity. Histology, cytology and embryology as a subject, takes a leading place in the training of future medical professionals, aiming at the formation of the fundamental grounds for mastering of other theoretical and clinical disciplines. Knowledge of morphological features of structural components of multiple organs and systems in norm is necessary for further study of pathology of these systems and awareness in mechanisms of disease development, formation of the symptoms and ways of their elimination. Interpretation of the studied material from the position of practical medicine develops students’ clinical thinking. Practical lessons on histology on the topic “The Visual Organ” are aimed at the students’ acquisition of the basic knowledge in the peculiarities of the structure of the eyeball as the peripheral part of the visual analyzer. Students form visual presentation of the histological structure of the layers of the eye, as well as its photoreceptive and optical systems that can benefit for further successful mastering of the “Ophthalmology” clinical discipline. Thus, during the discussion of the structural features of the eyeball components and its accessory apparatus the students form the integral picture of the existence of inseparable relation of its structure with performed functions. Finding out this interconnection together with the understanding of disturbances in the structure and function in pathological processes ensures the formation of clinical thinking. The analysis of the long experience of teaching histology, cytology and embryology has established that the use of clinically oriented approach to presenting of the new material and consideration of interdisciplinary links leads to improvement of quality of students’ training, increases their motivation and is a guarantee for the formation of clinical thinking in future medical professionals starting already from the first years of study.


clinical thinking, interdisciplinary links, histology, ophthalmology


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (154), 2019 year, 275-277 pages, index UDK [611.018:612.84]371.31