About the author:
Solovey Yu. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
In the experiment in 105 white rats, the severity of the course of abdominal sepsis was studied depending on the severity of microcirculatory disorders of the peritoneum. The animals were randomized to a trial of 90 animals, which was divided into two subgroups A (adverse course) and B (favorable course) of 45 animals each and a control group of 15 animals depending on the course. The experimental animals of AS were modeled by their own technique. Laparotomy and macroscopic evaluation of the peritoneal cavity were performed after 2, 4, 8, and 10 days of the course of AS. The registration of disorders of the microcirculatory bed of the small intestine wall was carried out using the method of laser Doppler flowmetry. The conducted studies allowed to distinguish additional morphological features, which reflected the depth of microcirculatory disorders of the small intestine wall and the severity of the experimental AC: the shape and size of the vessels, the presence or absence of the system module and vascular anastomoses, the level of pathological permeability of the vascular wall. It is established that the comparative assessment of the state of blood filling reflects a decrease in the reserve capacity of oxygen-transport function of the blood in the microcirculatory bed of sections of the abdominal cavity, is a manifestation of changes in the reactivity of the microcirculation system and reflects the features of compensatory and adaptive reactions in conditions of ischemia and subsequent conditions. similar to those occurring in patients with AS.
experiment, abdominal sepsis, structural and functional disorders of the peritoneal microcirculatory bed.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (154), 2019 year, 326-329 pages, index UDK 617.55:616.94]-036.1-07:616.381-005