Procedure of articles consideration

1. By submitting an article for release, an author thereby agrees with the placement of its full text on Internet official sites of the Scientific electronic library ( and the publishing firm “Bulletin of problems biology and medicine” (

2. Articles are accepted in accordance with the fixed timeline:

In exceptional circumstances, as agreed upon with editorial office, the term of acceptance of an article for the next issue can be extended, but not longer than for three weeks.

3. The accepted articles are considered by the editorial board in the course of a month.

4. The editorial board is entitled to send an article for additional reviewing.

5. The editorial board is entitled to carry out the scientific and literary editing of the accepted materials; where applicable it is authorized to cut them upon consultation with the author, or, whereas the article subject is of interest for the journal, to send the article back to the author for refining.

6. The Editorial board reserves the right to decline an article, if it is irresponsive to the applicable requirements or the subject of the journal.

7. In case the submitted article is rejected, the Editorial board sends the author a reasonable conclusion.

8. Authors are notified by the Editorial board about the fact their articles have been received within 7 days. In a month after the article registration the Editorial board informs the author about results of the article reviewing and of the terms of publishing the article.

9. Payment for the article is made at the rate of:

85 hrn - for 1 page of the manuscript;

320 hrn - for the author's printed copy of the journal (obligatory);

additional printed copy (if necessary) should be ordered in advance;

120 hrn - for DOI assignment (obligatory).