The procedure of reviewing the research articles
- Research articles submitted to the Editorial board are subject to reviewing. Reviewing takes place in the format "Single-blind Rewiew", when the names of the reviewers are hidden from the authors.
- Methods of articles reviewing:
- internal (articles are reviewed by the Editorial board members)
- external (articles are sent for reviewing by the leading experts in a relevant branch of medicine).
- The executive editor ascertains the relevance of the article to the magazine profile and design requirements, and sends it for reviewing by the expert, Doctor or Candidate of Science, whose scientific specialization corresponds the most to the article subject.
- The executive editor within 7 days notifies the authors about the receipt of their articles.
- Terms of reviewing in any single case are specified by the executive editor with account of creating proper conditions for the utmost prompt publication of the article.
- The following issues should be covered in the review:
- whether subject matter of the article is relevant to the theme declared in its title;
- to what extent the article is associated with present-day achievements of science;
- Whether the article is comprehensible to the readers, for which it is designed, in terms of language, style, material arrangement, visual expression of tables, diagrams, drawings, etc.
- whether the publication of the article is worthwhile with account of earlier released literature on the same subject matter;
- wherein particularly virtue as well as weakness of the article lie, which corrections and updates should be introduced by the author;
- “it is recommended”, “it is recommended provided the weak points specified by the reviewer will be corrected by the author” or “it is not recommended”.
- The reviews are certified in accordance with the procedures established by the institution, where the reviewer works.
- In case of rejection of the article from publication the Editorial board sends a reasonable refusal to the author.
- The article which was not recommended by the reviewer for publication is not accepted for reconsideration. Text of the negative review is sent to the author by e-mail, by fax or via ordinary mail.
- Existence of positive review is not a sufficient warranty for publication of the article. Final decision on advisability of publication is made by the Editorial board.
- Once the Editorial board decides to admit the article for publication, the executive editor notifies the author thereof and specifies the terms of publication.
- The original copies of reviews are kept by the Editorial board of the scientific magazine “Bulletin of problems biology and medicine”.