Information for Contributors



The journal was re-registered and included in the List of group B professional publications, which can publish the results
of dissertations for the degree Doctor of Science and PhD in biological and medical sciences in accordance with
the resolution of the Presidium of the SAC of Ukraine from 28.12.2019 №431643. Included in scientometric databases
World Cat, Crossref (DOI), DOAJ, Google Scolar, Ulrichsweb, Journals Pedia, 
National Library named after Vernadskyi, ADL.

Hosted on the online Index Copernicus database.

The journal publishes scientific works in all fields of modern clinical and experimental medicine, as well as dedicated to fundamental problems of biology, stomatology, biochemistry, physiology, biotechnology, ecology and valeology.

In connection with the decision of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine dated 15.01.2003 .. № 7-05 / 1 "On raising the requirements for professional publications, entered in the list of HAC of Ukraine" in scientific articles must be such necessary elements: problem in general and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks (state registration number) analysis of recent research and publications in which a solution of this problem and to which the author refers to, the selection of the unsolved aspects of the problem, which the article is focused; formulation of the purposes of article (problem); presentation of the main research material with full justification of scientific results; conclusions of this study and the prospects for further research in this direction.

Article after editing and reviewing served in 2 copies with a cover letter, expert opinions,expert opinion checking the article for plagiarism

reviews, and electronic media. The volume of original and review articles 8-25 pages of text, including references, tables, charts, abstracts. The second copy signed by the authors of the article with surname, first name and patronymic, home and business address, phone number, print date.

The text and tables of the first copie of the article must be printed only on computer (Word 6.0; 7.0 or Word 97, font Times New Roman, 14 pt with the mandatory provision of the electronic version). Letter or electronic media must be new, the text printed on white paper, with clear font, without erasures and corrections. The text on the electronic media must be a full analogue of text on paper and recorded in 2 files. Tables, graphs and photomicrographs (black and white binding on morphological work - 9x12 cm) are placed on the article pages in the presentation of the material or are placed on the same page. Graphs, histograms (black and white) are placed in the text or on a separate sheet. Pages should not be numbered.

References should be served in order of mention, transliterated, as required by Vancouver Style. References in the text must be given by numbers in square brackets.

Articles are edited and reviewed by members of the Editorial Board - leading experts from relevant areas of biology and medicine.

The text is printed with 1.5 line spacing, on white A4 paper, the height of lowercase letters at least 3 mm. At the beginning of the left UDC is printed, then the next line the surname and initials of the authors, in the next line - name of the article. With the new line is printed the name of the institution, city. On paragraph (5 characters) - text of the article. Margins: 2.5 cm left,right; top and bottom 3.0 cm.

Payment for the article is made at the rate of: 85 hrn - for 1 page of the manuscript; 320 hrn - for the author's prinred copy of the magazine (obligatory); additional printedcopy (if necessary) should be ordered in advance; 120 hrn - for DOI assignment (obligatory).

Journal does not have any article submission charges.

The journal is reviewing all articles on plagiarism.

Example of a certificate of initial examination for plagiarism at the link:

Articles that have not been validated are not allowed to be printed.

The journal allows and will allow authors (authors) to keep copyright without restrictions.


1. Authors publishing in this journal agree to the following terms:

А. The authors reserve the right to the authorship of their work and transfer to the journal the right to
the first publication of this work under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which allows others to freely distribute the published work with mandatory reference to the authors of the original
work and the first publication of the work in this journal.

Лицензия Creative Commons

C. Authors have the right to conclude independent additional agreements regarding the non-exclusive distribution
of the work in the form in which it was published by this journal (for example, placing the work in the electronic
repository of the institution or publishing as part of a monograph), provided that the link to the first publication
of the work in this journal is preserved.
D. The policy of the journal allows and encourages authors to post a manuscript on the Internet
(for example, in institutional repositories or on personal websites), both before submitting this manuscript
to the editors and during its editorial processing, as this contributes to the emergence of a productive scientific
discussion and has a positive effect on the effectiveness and dynamics of citation of published work
(see The Effect of Open Access).

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Contact phone numbers:

Poltava - (0532) 60-96-12, 60-95-84, +380506686851; +380982023431

Pronina Elena Nikolaevna

The authors are personally responsible for the accuracy of the information entered

Editorial address: 36011, Poltava, str. Shevchenko, 23, PDMU, Department of Clinical Anatomy and Operative Surgery.